Get Involved
Get involved with the Outer Banks SPCA!
Looking for a way to help your community and get some furry loves? Become a volunteer!
Volunteers play a key role in our organization. They work closely with staff in a positive, rewarding, and fun environment. We strive to match their skills and interests with their love of animals to provide quality care to our animals and humane education to our community.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Dog Walkers
Cat Enrichment
Clean Team
Foster for a Day
Off-Site Event Assistants
Foster for a Day is a short-term foster program where you can take a dog on a day outing. It is a great option for people who are interested in adoption or for someone who cannot adopt right now, but wants to enjoy dog companionship from time to time. Also, it is an awesome experience for our dogs to leave a stressful shelter environment and enjoy new places for a while. Dogs have to be returned before we close (no overnight). For Saturday and Sunday fosters please call during office hours (Monday-Friday).
Voluntourism is a way to enjoy volunteering while on vacation. You can come and play with our animals, take them on a walk, give them a bath or read at our reading corner. Want to discover Outer Banks too? Ask about our special Foster for a Day (Voluntourism edition) where you take a dog for a day ride and visit all the dog friendly places using our Treasure Map, which includes parks, beaches, secret paths, friendly restaurants and many more. Our pups will love it! To volunteer visit us between 9-5pm, Monday-Friday (1-2pm closed). Ask about Saturday/Sunday appointments availability. Call for more details (252) 475-5620.
Volunteer Application Process:
Step by Step
Are you a business, school or organization looking to volunteer your time as a group? If so, please email for more information

Be of age
Volunteers must be at least 16 years old; we will accept under age 16 with a guardian over 18 to stay for their volunteer shift

Fill out our volunteer application here.

Volunteer coordinator will contact you within two weeks of receiving the application

Start volunteering!
Frequently Asked Questions:
I love helpings animals! How do I become a Volunteer?
PAWsome! Our Volunteers play a crucial role in making our mission a reality. We want to cultivate a rewarding experience for those who dedicate their time and energy to our cause, and the animals love the extra attention! For more information about volunteering with us, please visit our Volunteer page, here, to fill out our Volunteer Application. Within a week, you will receive a welcome email with instructions for how to schedule an orientation and what to expect. We are thrilled you want to join the pack!
Is there an age limit to volunteering?
There is no age limit to volunteer! All volunteers under the age of 16 must be accompanied and supervised by a parent or guardian.
Can my group volunteer at the OBX SPCA?
Absolutely! We love hosting groups of volunteers whether it is a group of friends that wants to lend a hand helping pets, university or high school groups requiring community service hours, or businesses that want to offer their employees an opportunity to give back to their community. Please call 252-475-5620 to schedule a time for your group to come and/or email
I need to fulfill (government mandated) community service hours, what do I do?
We are currently accepting court-ordered and lawyer-recommended community service volunteers. Find more information here.